Pros and Cons- Khang Nguyen
1) What are some pros and cons to the use of the Internet by children?[edit]
-Low-income kids got better grades and test scores in reading after being given home Internet access. (WebMD)
-Linda Jackson, PhD studies show that kids that spent more time at home on the internet had higher grade-point averages and reading test scores. (WebMD)
-The internet provides a wide selection of resources such as that will direct children to safe sites that support their needs.
-Children with disabilities can find special education and early intervention programs at sites like
-Government regulations like Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) require websites to explain their privacy policies to make internet safer for children.
-There are softwares that keep networking sites like Facebook safer are being implemented to keep kids from trouble. (WSJ)
-Message boards about self-harm create bad influence for children. (WebMD)
-Search engines might lead children to pornographic material. (WebMD)
-Using the internet might unintentionally lead to pornographic addiction. (CBN)
-Playing online games could become a bad addiction. (Symantec)
-The following addiction traits and behaviors based on The Canyon: Renowned Rehab and Substance Abuse Treatment Center (thecyn) could happen:
* Spending hours online without a break. * Preferring to spend time with a computer over friends and family. * Lying about the amount of time spent online. * Hiding what you do online. * Checking email several times an hour. * Family complains about the amount of time spent online. * Thoughts are always on the Internet – even when offline. * Logging on while at work or school instead of working or studying. * The first thing an addict does when family leaves the house is log on.
What we can do:
-Have moderators, online tools for parental control, get involve with children, and talk to kids about internet use. More information and tips can be found at KidsHealth and PCWorld’s articles.