Objective – The present paper deals with holistic approach in open distance learning and strategies suitable to traditional teaching with focus on Revitalizing School Curriculum and to device innovative curriculum to prepare children and youngsters to live and work in gender equal society and to develop self propelled , self motivated , independent , creative and positively oriented autonomous young learners to overcome the problems of poverty , unemployment , inequality , illiteracy and religious obscurantism and to become an active partner in the nation building process . Introduction Education has continued to evolve, diversify and extend its reach and coverage since the dawn of human history. Every country develops its system of education to express and promote its unique socio-cultural identity and to meet the challenges of the times. There are moments in history when a new direction has to be given to an old process in the school curricula in addition to the common scheme of studies correspondence courses, distance education and open learning mode of education were incorporated along with work experience.
The role of education in economic development is very important as the great philosopher and economist Adam Smith puts in- “Education confers great indirect benefits even on the ordinary workman.”1 It stimulates its mental activity, it fosters in him a habit of wise inquisitiveness, it makes him intelligent, more ready; more trustworthy in his ordinary work, it raises the time of his life in working hours; it is an important means towards the production of material wealth. Development in academic fields, the momentum of growth systems in market forces mainly influences the development of education system in most part of the world. Therefore it is essential to establish closer linkage between education and the world of work (employability).
The thrust of open learning towards equality of educational opportunity for the forgotten millions such as- workers , out of school children or droppers and housewives received appreciation and ‘ correspondence courses’ were converted to first distance education and then into open education. Postal tuition supported by personal contact and multimedia packages of learning material are now used for open learning.