OERu Evaluation kickoff

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Welcome to the OERu Evaluation discussion page.

We are very excited about the launch of the OERu evaluation and  would appreciate any comments or feedback that will facilitate the process. The evaluation framework will be developed in an open and transparent manner and all tools and data will be open licensed. We hope that all interested doers and watchers in the community will actively contribute to these discussions.

The first step will be the development of the context and input evaluation. Over the next few days the aims, objectives and concrete research questions will be clarified for each phase of the evaluation plan and will be posted in this forum for discussion. We would like to start with a brainstorm session for any comments or questions that you would like to contribute. We will then incorporate these comments into the details underlying the development of the evaluation plan.

Amurphyy (talk)19:27, 30 November 2011

Hi Angela,

That's an excellent start. We're privileged to have a knowledgeable and experienced academic to lead the development of our evaluation plan. Thanks for kicking this off.

  • I like the idea of a context evaluation and how this can support and inform the development and implementation of the OER project plan.
  • I added a subheading for initial ideas on the research questions on the Project Evaluation page -- this way we can capture any ideas for further refinement and discussion.
  • The logic model framework is divided into activities for the various initiatives. In detailed planning for each activity, we will identify the inputs, short term outputs and sub-activities needed to achieve these outputs. One of the things we will need to do is identify the means of gathering data to measure our progress on achieving the key performance indicators. Clearly the evaluation plan will help us gather data for this purpose. So here is my question - can we use the context evaluation to help us identify the key performance indicators for the sub-activities in the logic model? (See for example Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation at the Commonwealth of Learning). If this is possible, a few objectives and or research questions might be:
    • What are the activities needed in our logic model at this phase of the OERu development?
    • What are the key performance indicators for each of the sub-activities to achieve the intended outputs of the relevant activity?

Would appreciate your thoughts and advice on how we can use the evaluation plan to inform the design of our activities in the logic model.

Mackiwg (talk)09:43, 2 December 2011

Hi Angela,

The Stufflebeam (2002) link is broken and there appears to be an updated (2007) version of it here: http://www.wmich.edu/evalctr/archive_checklists/cippchecklist_mar07.pdf. I didn't change it because I'm not sure if you intended to use this one. Irwin

Idevries (talk)18:53, 4 December 2011


The context evaluation questions are looking good. I think we're at the point where we can start focusing the context evaluation to a doable and manageable scale.

I think some questions have been answered at the OERU 2011.11 planning meeting and we can eliminate some duplication of effort.

Would it be useful to compile a table, say with columns for the questions, proposed information source / methodology and target dates for each sub-element of the context evaluation.

I wondering if there is any overlap with the research which Gabbi is conducting which could inform the context evaluation?

Would it make sense to prioritize the minimum information needed for the context evaluation and move forward on that basis?

Mackiwg (talk)23:04, 31 January 2012