OER as Subject in curriculum

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Integrating open education resources in the class room could become important subject . I feel this subject will help to make OER more effective. The objective is to spread awareness about OER to have quality education .It is accepted fact that real barrier to OER is on implementation side.All banwidth users do not aware about OER. The focus is on these users. It is important that user should aware about the licensing rights .Objectives should be defined .Motivation needs to be addressed .Navigation ,content,access ,updates and sponser information should be analytically viewed to determine relability.Quality resources should be listed. Customize these resources.To create new materials software (freeware,or share ware ) are available . Reflection process is an instructional strategy.Learning styles inventory is good choice to assess learning prefrences.Rubrics are often used in elementary schools .Formative assessment helps to have effective learning .The inherent supeiority of web educational content will help OER to be recognised a move towards quality education. In brief it is shown in diagram  about integration of OER in classroom. 


Harbns (talk)18:26, 24 April 2011