Main Discussion for Today

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Last edit: 06:40, 9 March 2009


Kindly confirm if all have submitted their assignments. Where did you upload it - EDS or via email to team members?

(Comment.gif: Status>> Discussion closed.)

Victor.mensah (talk)06:18, 9 March 2009

Lions I have drafted a Statement of Work, which in part should be used to track and monitor rolesa and responsibilities over assigments, and track the due dates versus the dates of completion. I would urge the team to use the document. The Assignment Leader should ensure that it has been completed. Infact this in part will help us achieve our objectives for group assignment 2.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)06:21, 9 March 2009

Yes - Shumi & Utang submitted Definitions on EDS ie Questions 2 & 3

--Shumimlingo 18:22, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)06:22, 9 March 2009

Still behind hoping to finish today. My apology to all Lions

Hove (talk)06:23, 9 March 2009

Thanks for that Hove. Any indication of when you will manage to finish. >> this question also goes to all who have not submitted.

Victor.mensah (talk)06:28, 9 March 2009

--Kay go 18:35, 8 March 2009 (UTC)i haven't submitted anything yet i was tasked with displaying what i've learnt and providing the conclusion, so i needed all your contributions. i have since received all of them today i should be in a position to contribute by tomorrow latest.

Kay go (talk)06:35, 9 March 2009

thanks a lot for that Kaygo. This comment should conclude this point. We can now move on to the next discussion point 2.

Victor.mensah (talk)06:36, 9 March 2009

yes, by email and on EDS

Akachi Ngwu (talk)06:38, 9 March 2009