MHRM Project - Invitation for collaboration

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Dear friend,

I am fellow Wikieducator form Kerala, India.

From your contributiuons on WikiEducator I understand that your are interested in Human Resource Mangement. A collaborative effort to establish a Transnational Qualification Framework with related content/activity for Masters' Degree Programme in Human Resource Management is available at .

Such an open HRM framework is necessary to guide the voluntary efforts of the free and open content developers in a structured way so that the benefit of their invaluable services will be available to the teaching and learning communities all over the world.

This free and open content, once completed will definitly help to reduce the education costs. This elearning project is also intended to provide learning support to those who are working for free and open education/software projects and requiring organizing/management skills for successful implementation of such projects.

Please visit the project at:

Expecting your collaboration for completing the project sucessfully at the earliest. Let us also prove that WE is a wonderful platform for collaborative development of open and free courses that would be used across the globe.

Warm regards

Anil Prasad

Anil Prasad (talk)04:06, 6 December 2008