MBL912L - Assignment 1 Meeting 1
Thanks for that response and noted, will incorperate changes, please ensure that I receive the document tonight still. I get to the office at five in the mornings, and will work on it then.
Hi Hermanus, I would like to get a confirmation from you have you will use the 4 pages that are half and one third used to bring the document to 17 pages. If you remember back in the Study School some lectures actually memtioned not reading the assignment if it exceeded the pages. I understnd your point but you do not know how the lecturer interperts the length of assignments, let's not give any opportunitties. Jeremiah & Shungu comments are clear.--Luisaserra 18:48, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
Actually, I take that back. I just saw in the assignment outline that we cannot exceed 17 pages. We have to comply. Maybe we can remove some and add some depending on what is most important. But we must stick to what is required like including the 3 definitions of diversity management. That carries 10 marks.