MBL912L - Assignment 1 Meeting 1
Hermanus - I am fine with the SoW and I take note of my assigned section. I will do my part working with Akachi, and of course, Project management is not our strength, we will appreciate any form of help from team members. But we will aim tro give you something.
Sorry again that I am late. Had problems logging in.
I feel lost with the project management assignment. Can anyone help me please?!
Utang I will give you and Taurai some strearing this week, but you have to comment on my emails. I have sent numerous emails that you have not aswered and I am still awaiting your signature and input for the Team charter.
Hi Utang, there is an email from Hermanus on the 11th of March, about SoW for 912L assignment. When you open the document it gives you the task you have been assigned. In your case you and Taurai Hove have to comlete the task regarding " Project Planning and Scheduling". I hope is clear--Luisaserra 18:39, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
I am in line with jerry. i have a weakness for PM. Do we need any referencing for our part of the assignment?
Akachi Please reference as you did for the first assignment. I will spend some time tomorrow night trying to find more helpfull info for all.
is this theoritical evaluation or evaluation of our project assignment. i need to understand the basics of this evaluation process. should we look at contextual and conceptual evaluation process?