Lovely and Lively page

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Hi Dear Gladys
I just visited your page after many days. You are doing great. I am so happy to see this "Lovely and Lively page". Warm hugs. I am also on the "Gang of 5 in 50". Gita Mathur Gita Mathur 05:59, 27 December 2008 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)17:59, 27 December 2008

Hi Gita, I am so glad to read you!!. Wellcome to the 5-50 Club :-) I am working hard on two Math projetcs. One of them is being developed in spanish language because I am making a transcription from my notes to the wiki. The second project is a Math Glossary written in english. I am planning to invite all the math teachers in the wiki to make it grow. Warm warm warm greetings Gladys Gahona --chela5808 03:04, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)15:04, 31 December 2008