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Just wondering if we need to say more about "quality" and "accessibility"?

The following text from "Find" seems adaptable for the Quality consideration:

Because OER are generated largely through volunteer work, the topics and types of OER available vary widely. Additionally, quality control is handled differently by each site, with some sites being more selective than others.


Quality is highly contextual.

An alternative Find page is suggested in the discussion.

Suggestion: move the above text from "Find" into a Consideration re quality, and replace the current Find text with the suggested alternative Find text.

Ktucker (talk)13:16, 26 June 2008

>>The following text from "Find" seems adaptable for the Quality consideration:

I've moved it to the "Considerations" page.

>>Quality is highly contextual.

Yes and no. Educators will likely want accuracy regardless of context.

>>An alternative Find page is suggested in the discussion.

I've added your straw dog recommendations, with some differences mentioned on the Talk page.

Sgurell (talk)16:42, 26 June 2008