Image not on commons wm

Jump to: navigation, search lists the image of George Braque's Castle at La Roche Guyon (1909) as in the public domain p. 22. However the image is not available in so we can display it on the page.

We currently include a link to a version: What is the best course of action to get this image loaded to the commons, assuming that it is in fact in the public domain?


ASnieckus (talk)10:44, 27 December 2012

And for what it's worth, when I try to view the wikipaintings version it only displays a "blued-out" frame with the caption:

Due to copyright law restrictions this image is not available for your country
JimTittsler (talk)11:56, 27 December 2012

Interesting that wikipaintings has implemented a country-specific screen of some sort. Definitely not useful :(

I did a bit more looking around....the commons has a list of open(ish) art repositories...and didn't find it. I'm going to add a request on the commons, in the art section of the request page, in hopes that someone more knowledgeable will hunt down an image, which can be uploaded.


ASnieckus (talk)14:42, 27 December 2012

Hi Alison,

This is an interesting challenge. While the actual work of art will be in the public domain, however using a quick search, I was not able to source a public domain version. The Wikimedia foundation take a position that locking down the public domain in this way is "copyright fraud'.

I recommend that you upload the image on the commons -- the community will vet the image re licensing and appropriate license statement.

Failing that I think we would need to link to external images.


Mackiwg (talk)11:57, 27 December 2012