Hullo From Tonga

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Hello to You From PNG

Thankyou so much for the Message, just trying to get the grips of this WikiEducator. Anyway, wil get in to it after little practise.

My name is Paul Fox Nongur. I have just past my 43rd birthday a few days ago and am from the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. I work at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology. I am the Director of the Open and Distance Learning Department at the university. PNG is also beautiful as Tonga and other Pacific Islands. I love my country but our politicans are the criminals and I hate them. I am married with three, son (1) and two daughters. All three are in upper secondary schoos now. I hope to visit Tonga in the future for business.

Hope to chat with you again. May God Bless You.


PaulFNongur (talk)14:23, 14 August 2008