Help again!

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Hi, Gita. I am almost embarassed to ask you again, but I was wondering if you could please help me to replace the missing Outline on my Userpage once more? If you have been following the discussion threads you will know that I experienced a userpage meltdown when someone went in an made changes and then I couldn't get the page back to what you had added. Here everything was so great and we were receiving compliments for working together and now I am back asking again. If you don't have time to do it, could you please send me the instructions if it is easier. Gratefully yours, Karen Username: karen6095

Karen6095 (talk)10:43, 6 December 2008

I guess I just have to learn to trust the process more - as I was working on the last assignment, the Table of contents appeared with all of the additional I won't need your help after all. Namaste, Karen

Karen6095 (talk)17:06, 6 December 2008

Hi Karen, I saw your messages and looked up your page. I am very happy to have your friendship. We will keep learning from each other. Warm regards. Gita (smile)Gita Mathur 10:54, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

Gita Mathur (talk)22:54, 6 December 2008