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Last edit: 08:31, 3 November 2007

Create your Wikieducator user page
Help us get to know you and your interests.

  • Type your user name after the colon:
  • Remember that your user name is case sensitive
  • A new window will open when you're done.
  • Click herePDF down.png for a print version of these instructions (198KB).

Read this before creating any personal new page:

  • Use this syntax: [[/new personal page/]]. This will create a Sub Page under your User Page.
  • Some users choose to establish profile pages. If you choose to do so, please establish it by editing your user page, and simply adding this text: [[/My profile/]]. Don't forget to save! You can then link to and edit your profile.
Mackiwg (talk)11:43, 21 November 2007

Hi Wayne..jy is stout..sit en sien jy hoe sukkel ek? maar kyk ek het besluit..vandag is die dag, thanks for the kind words of welcome!!I enjoy it!cheers..

Frances (talk)11:43, 21 November 2007

Hey - welcome to the Wiki community - stout is lekker!

Have fun - wikis are a life changing experience!

Mackiwg (talk)11:43, 21 November 2007