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Hi Patricia, Many thanks for sorting out the graphs for this section. I really like how they look, except for Figure 2a which looks like it has been stretched a bit in the vertical axis. I made an attempt to re-order the text and images in the editing function, but I couldn't get the spacing right. I didn't want to put in too many line breaks as this will create problems if users adjust the text size in their browsers. Is there any way to attach or link a particular block of text with a particular image?

Ed Du Vivier (talk)01:16, 1 December 2007

I tried adding headings and horizontal lines in order to tie the images to the relevant text, but this doesn't seem to work either.

Ed Du Vivier (talk)01:16, 1 December 2007
Edited by author.
Last edit: 01:16, 1 December 2007

I finally sorted out the spacing of the graphs on this page. For future reference, the following code can be used to separate a graph from text that follows on:

Ed Du Vivier (talk)01:16, 1 December 2007