E-Language activities that work well in Primary schools 小学:有效并受欢迎的由教育科技支持的语言活动

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Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 19:22, 27 February 2013

Please share here the following: Brief description of the activity (e.g. speaking, writing, listening, reading, interviewing) Tools used (e.g. App, ipod, Skype) Resources (e.g. useful web links, references) Feedback from stuents

请详细描述: 活动简介(如:听、说、读、写、访谈) 所用工具 (如:iPod, App, Skype) 所用资源 (如:网址,参考书) 学生反馈如何

  third day training  on web 2


Kanqian (talk)01:12, 11 January 2013