Display of image "The Scream"

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The image is available on wp, but not in the commons, due to lack of copyright availability until 2015 (see note on wp image page). Should we display this image on WE? Is there a way to display the image from wp, as in interwiki link?


ASnieckus (talk)13:00, 6 February 2013

No, I don't believe you can use an interwiki link to directly display the image. (Although given the copyright restriction you point out, it probably wouldn't be a good idea for our international audience.)

JimTittsler (talk)17:06, 6 February 2013

We can probably substitute another iconic image...or find another creative way around the problem. Thanks for confirming that image display only works from the commons.


ASnieckus (talk)13:13, 8 February 2013