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Case Study: Emilia

One of the students in class has been accessing Facebook on her laptop. Emilia does not want to embarrass the girl so after class she asks a colleague (Jane) what she should do.

Jane asks Emilia, "Is the student completing the work?" Emilia replies, "Yes she is". "So why is it an issue?" "I don't feel comfortable with it, because she could distract the others" says Emilia. "But is she?" "No." Jane says, "So why do you really have a problem with it? What are your reasons." "Well, she may be rushing her tasks to go on FB, but they are done much better than the others, so this doesn't seem to be the case. I don't like her being distracted, but then it is probably better than sitting there talking."

1. Interpretation - What are the assumptions made by Emilia?

2. Analysis - What could Emilia do to check these assumptions?

3. Evaluation - How can Emilia find out what is true and what is false?

4. Inference - What are the implications if Emilia lets the student continue on?

What other alternatives does she have?

5. Explanation - How can Emilia justify her decisions?

6. Self-regulation - What else should Emilia do?

Bronwynh (talk)21:38, 27 August 2013