Content switch

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I think the Overview page should be more pedagogically focused, with the Introduction page as more of an introduction to the content. With this in mind, I suggest we move the short introduction section (the part after the heading "Introduction") in the Introduction page to the beginning of the Overview page, as this bit just lists the topics to be covered. I suggest we omit the heading "Introduction".

I suggest moving the beginning paragraph in the Overview page to the beginning of the Introduction page, noting that there is content overlap with defining art, which would need to be addressed.

Thoughts? Alison

ASnieckus (talk)07:20, 13 July 2012

I agree these pages need improvement. I'm wondering if the Overview should give a brief high level sketch of what is covered in the course (i.e. content, types of activities...what to expect ) and the Introduction the substantive entry to the start the engagement. And pedagogical information would go to the course manual.

Idevries (talk)08:26, 13 July 2012

Now maybe we're saying mostly the same thing but using different language... :)

Idevries (talk)08:28, 13 July 2012

hehe, yes I think that's the case. Alison

ASnieckus (talk)13:11, 13 July 2012

I will rearrange this page and the next to fit with the separate intro and overview scheme that you've outlined.

ASnieckus (talk)12:07, 18 July 2012

Thanks Alison. I'm just plowing ahead and getting the rest of the content and images into pages for the moment without too much other work at this point other than working around problem images.

Idevries (talk)12:19, 18 July 2012

Certainly getting all of the content into WE is a first priority.

Turns out switching the content was more confusing than I though as the one intro paragraph on the overview page, was a near match to the words on the intro page. I think I got it fixed.

I have some various additional suggestions, and have been holding off so as not to overwhelm, which seems the right option if you are concentrating on prepping the content. Is there anything in particular that you think I should work on?

Another option is for me to move ahead with implementing some of the wiki features which are or will be part of the style guide. I can leave a trail of what I've done, and we can discuss later, as needed.

Let me know what you think.


ASnieckus (talk)13:03, 18 July 2012

Let's Skype - sometime tomorrow?

Idevries (talk)15:38, 18 July 2012