
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Dmccabe
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Hi Alison,

Well, it looks like you have more than figured things out! Best of luck in your own watershed. If I can ever help with bug ID, please let me know; perhaps I can trade you for stats advice!! If you decide to take me up on the bug ID, send a sample in early summer, and my summer team can work you up a stream-specific web site like this one. I'm certain that my funding agency would consider it 'broader impact'. Cheers, Declan

Dmccabe (talk)13:19, 14 May 2009


That stream-specific site is wonderful. Looks like French Hill Brook is quite healthy (at least by central NJ standards). Sadly, my stream, Big Bear Brook, is most often rated as moderately impaired. On a good day we find many scuds and hydropsychidae, and a few leeches, asian clams, midges and the occasional riffle beetle. We work in a program called StreamWatch. We do our next sample in mid July. Maybe I'll take you up on the bug ID offer. Thanks.


ASnieckus (talk)13:55, 14 May 2009