Breaking Chela's habits

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  1. Where are you? Sitting at my PC
  2. What were you thinking of eating? A delicious home made hamburger
  3. When was the last time you ate? 2 hours
  4. What did you eat last time? The meat of another delicious hamburger
  5. What would be good for you to eat right now? A big glass of water
  6. What do you think? Hard to get rid of the delicious hamburger image in my mind
Chela5808 (talk)06:29, 16 April 2009


I had an incredible laugh at your answers because I could see an exact image of myself sitting at my desk doing the exact same thing as you. Well, let's continue and see how we progress. I also felt kind of embarrassed having to confess what a pig I am so I am now going to get a glass of water.

--Nellie Deutsch 18:39, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Nelliemuller (talk)06:40, 16 April 2009

We are a pair of lovely pigs decided to lose 10 kilos in two months =). --Gladys Gahona 19:18, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)07:18, 16 April 2009

We are so funny!!!

Nelliemuller (talk)07:49, 16 April 2009

Day 1.(tue) Was hard, I finally ate two hamburgers =(
Day 2.(wed) Got better, had more water instead of soda.
Day 3.(fri) Starting great, more fruit and water... Friday night... mmh trhee beers at Billiard's night, but had a great time with Marco & friends =)
Day 4.(sat) Nice, less meals. More walking. Still hungry at night
Day 5.(sun) Fruit, soya milk...--Gladys Gahona 17:11, 19 April 2009 (UTC)

Chela5808 (talk)03:49, 18 April 2009