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Hi Had to delete this - will have a hunt for something else on Local Solutions ... unless anyone has anything handy :-)

Hmlamond (talk)05:45, 1 October 2009 - i think you may have already ruled this one out this is the info i found on the copyright page Copyright

COPYRIGHT © Global Response 1990-2006
Reproduction is authorized, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated. Reprinted articles are shared under the Fair Use Law: Doctrine of International Copyright Law: Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.), such permission shall cancel the abovementioned general permission and indicate clearly any restrictions on use.
I don't know how useful this site would be although the description of rain forest is quite cute Here is the copyright stuff With only a few noted exceptions, the photographs on this site are by me, and copyrighted. They may be used freely by students and teachers for classroom projects, but may not be published, including on the internet, without permission. Please let me know how you like this site, and how you use the material! -dr. steve blythe

Whaeatina (talk)13:35, 3 October 2009

Hi As far as I can tell:

  • is fine - I can't find anything about reserved rights or copyright so we could either link to it, or add the content with a source.
  • eduweb is all right reserved (so no copying) but we should be ok to link to it.
  • - good to copy (reproduce) with acknowledgement
  • - photos are copyright and not to be reproduced. Could link to the site though.

Will add links etc now. H

Hmlamond (talk)14:59, 4 October 2009