Arrived at last - Jennifer

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good to meet you on the intros Jennifer. I have personalised your blog link. If yoo click edit under your post, you will see what I did. I added "my blog" at the end of your blog address - my blog.

when adding a web address click the earth ball in the menu (external link) and you will get: link title- replace the words - link title - with the name to which you want to add a hyperlink (website).

Now you have tackled the wiki and got your blog up and running, you deserve a big box of chocs. And you can focus on the content of the course. I admire your perseverance; one person has given up as she did not have the time to grapple with new ways of learning. More and more people are using blogs and wikis to teach now, so you are in the forefront which will give you lots of cred with your students....and keep the debtors from the door when in "retirement". :)

Here's the thing. I will be summarizing and linking to others' blog posts on the course blog so use that as a guide if you feel overwhelmed - until you get in the swing of checking others' blogs. all participants' blogs are linked from the course blog. Bronwyn

Bronwynh (talk)12:07, 11 March 2008