Approval of Distribution list for projects

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Dear Lions, Kago has made a proposal for the assignments, I am ok with that and that each group must start working, please let me know if there are any concerns, ok--Luisaserra 16:37, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:37, 8 February 2010

thanks to Kago for his proactiveness. the grouping is okay but my tot is to rotate members across the assignments

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:40, 8 February 2010

well i left the grouping as they were, since Akachi & Utang can meet at local library in Lagos, Luisa & Shumi in Kampala and Kago & Hove in Gabs City to do the assignments together.

Kay go (talk)04:44, 8 February 2010

iam ok with the grouping.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:55, 8 February 2010

Iam okay with the grouping. sorry guys my network is not that good--Shungunyoni 17:10, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)05:10, 8 February 2010

Akachi, please can you explain your idea, I did not understnd exactly what you meant--Luisaserra 16:45, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:45, 8 February 2010

luisa, i think kago has actually explained my tot. i mean instead of having the same members do the same assign ments, we can alternate members across the assignments.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:49, 8 February 2010

i approve!

Kay go (talk)04:40, 8 February 2010

lions, iam signing off. my battery is running out. wishing all a successful week ahead

Akachi Ngwu (talk)05:07, 8 February 2010

I am ok with the arrangments. Thanks Kago and all Lions.

Victor.mensah (talk)04:41, 8 February 2010

Hove also approves, he's forgotten his password how can he be help victor?

Kay go (talk)04:49, 8 February 2010

I am fine with Kago's distribution. Thumbs up from me! Lets move!--Shumimlingo 16:45, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:45, 8 February 2010

are we still on?

Victor.mensah (talk)05:04, 8 February 2010

Lions, my battery is out. I am available to meet at Mia's at 4pm or anytime after 4pm on Sunday. --Shumimlingo 17:13, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)05:13, 8 February 2010

Lions, my battery is out. I am available to meet at Mia's at 4pm or anytime after 4pm on Sunday. --Shumimlingo 17:15, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)05:15, 8 February 2010