Talk:EDSLIONS/weekly discussions/February 07, 2010

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Approval of the assignment distribution list:

Dear Lions please give your comment to Kago distribution list:

Assignment 1 Assignment 2
Proj. Leader Rev. Proj. Cont. Proj. Leader Rev. Proj. Cont.

2 TEAM meetings in RSA?

Headline text

Any sugestions? Akachi made a proposal for a meeting at Mias Nest on Sunday, please advise what time are you arriving? Meeting Agenda in principle will be around the assignments and how the group will work this year. We can agree deadlines on the projects.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Meeting at Mia's on Sunday205:26, 8 February 2010
Approval of Distribution list for projects1405:15, 8 February 2010
ATTENDANCE2005:05, 8 February 2010

Meeting at Mia's on Sunday

On behalf of Luisa (who is facing net challenges): What do members want to discuss on Sunday 21st at Mia's Nest? Lets put forward agenda items

Victor.mensah (talk)05:07, 8 February 2010

It seams lions are all off at this time. Is that so?

Victor.mensah (talk)05:21, 8 February 2010

meeting adjourned. Thanks to all.

Victor.mensah (talk)05:26, 8 February 2010

Approval of Distribution list for projects

Dear Lions, Kago has made a proposal for the assignments, I am ok with that and that each group must start working, please let me know if there are any concerns, ok--Luisaserra 16:37, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:37, 8 February 2010

thanks to Kago for his proactiveness. the grouping is okay but my tot is to rotate members across the assignments

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:40, 8 February 2010

well i left the grouping as they were, since Akachi & Utang can meet at local library in Lagos, Luisa & Shumi in Kampala and Kago & Hove in Gabs City to do the assignments together.

Kay go (talk)04:44, 8 February 2010

iam ok with the grouping.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:55, 8 February 2010

Iam okay with the grouping. sorry guys my network is not that good--Shungunyoni 17:10, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)05:10, 8 February 2010

Akachi, please can you explain your idea, I did not understnd exactly what you meant--Luisaserra 16:45, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:45, 8 February 2010

luisa, i think kago has actually explained my tot. i mean instead of having the same members do the same assign ments, we can alternate members across the assignments.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:49, 8 February 2010

i approve!

Kay go (talk)04:40, 8 February 2010

lions, iam signing off. my battery is running out. wishing all a successful week ahead

Akachi Ngwu (talk)05:07, 8 February 2010

I am ok with the arrangments. Thanks Kago and all Lions.

Victor.mensah (talk)04:41, 8 February 2010

Hove also approves, he's forgotten his password how can he be help victor?

Kay go (talk)04:49, 8 February 2010

I am fine with Kago's distribution. Thumbs up from me! Lets move!--Shumimlingo 16:45, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:45, 8 February 2010

are we still on?

Victor.mensah (talk)05:04, 8 February 2010

Lions, my battery is out. I am available to meet at Mia's at 4pm or anytime after 4pm on Sunday. --Shumimlingo 17:13, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)05:13, 8 February 2010

Lions, my battery is out. I am available to meet at Mia's at 4pm or anytime after 4pm on Sunday. --Shumimlingo 17:15, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)05:15, 8 February 2010


Hi Lions, I am on line, please sign in this heading, thanks--Luisaserra 15:57, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)03:57, 8 February 2010

com' estus Luisa, hope you are well. hello everybody else!

Kay go (talk)04:03, 8 February 2010

hie guys l hope l findyou all in good health. Sorry lm late was a bit rusty on the use of the wiki chat--Shungunyoni 16:24, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)04:24, 8 February 2010

at last somebody, mas'kwera sei amai?

Kay go (talk)04:26, 8 February 2010

Ndiribho. how are you doing?--Shungunyoni 16:30, 7 February 2010 (UTC)--Shungunyoni 16:30, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)04:30, 8 February 2010

i'm fine, so hast thou registered?

Kay go (talk)04:35, 8 February 2010

are the one chairing this meeting?--Shungunyoni 16:34, 7 February 2010 (UTC)--Shungunyoni 16:34, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)04:34, 8 February 2010

Shungu I am chairing the meeting, I have opened another discussion please follow the thread--Luisaserra 16:39, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:39, 8 February 2010

have you managed to register then Luisa? Books?

Kay go (talk)04:08, 8 February 2010

Luisa are u still there?

Kay go (talk)04:12, 8 February 2010

Kago, I had problems with my computer so I am on --Luisaserra 16:35, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:35, 8 February 2010

no problem Luisa! i'm still logged on.

Kay go (talk)04:38, 8 February 2010

Hello lions, compliments of the season to all. sorry iam late, trying to catch up with wiki

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:37, 8 February 2010

hello! ah guys these monologues are driving me insane!!!

Kay go (talk)04:19, 8 February 2010

note to self: exit wiki @ 1830 CAT if the silence continues

Kay go (talk)04:23, 8 February 2010

@1830 i said to self, self give them another 10 mins, remember Shungu is on dial up her responses, come after a while, kinda like the halley's comet...

Kay go (talk)04:33, 8 February 2010

Hey Lions...

I'm here. Laptop under candle light but I'm here. Let's move--Shumimlingo 16:37, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:37, 8 February 2010

Shumi, answer the approval or not of Kago distribution list, thanks--Luisaserra 16:41, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:41, 8 February 2010

hi shumi, its pity our African leadership has failed in providing the needed infrastructure to develop the continent.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:44, 8 February 2010

Hi everybody, am online enow and my sincerest appologies for not being able to get on in time - technical challenges. I am definitly on now.

Victor.mensah (talk)04:40, 8 February 2010

hello, are we still online?

Akachi Ngwu (talk)05:05, 8 February 2010