Advice needed

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I have an idea for a new project, and I am wondering if it would be feasible. My idea is to create a series of academic courses for k-12. The courses would include textbooks, workbooks, video lessons, software, and all other necessary materials, all released under the CC license. I know there are other projects like this out there, but most of them are geared toward higher education only, and most are concentrating on textbooks only. I would like to see complete course packages available for free download from one central location, and containing all necessary components. I know this would be a major effort, but I believe, with the right people, it could be done.

Bartender (talk)10:50, 29 November 2009

This is a test

Juttavd (talk)14:41, 23 April 2010

I think you've got a great idea for a project and you've certainly chosen the right place. I would suggest that you start thinking about a team charter then start looking for the right people to contribute to your effort. Good luck!--Benjamin Stewart 19:06, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)08:06, 21 June 2010