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My name is Koziba from Botswana ,guess you all enjoyed valentine's day yesterday.

The Botswana National Youth Policy is defines youth as young males and females who are aged from 12 to 29 years. Young people in this age group require social, economic and political support to realise their full potential. This is a time in life when most young people are going through dramatic changes in their life circumstances as they move from childhood to adulthood. It is recognised, however, that there may be some people who fall outside this age range but who may experience similar circumstances to other young people (e.g. there may be 10 year olds who are not engaged in full-time education). Thus, this definition is intended to indicate the primary target group, without excluding those who may share similar circumstances.

The National Youth Policy also recognises that not all young people are the same. Where some young people are at school or training institutions, others are not; where some are engaged in employment, others are unemployed; there are young people in rural and urban environments; whilst some live with their parents, others are themselves parents; some young people are disabled whilst others have been the victims of abuse or mistreatment. Thus, the National Youth Policy endeavours to provide a means whereby the development of all young people in Botswana can be promoted regardless of their social or economic circumstances.

Koziba (talk)01:27, 16 February 2011