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  • Met with the Finance Manager of Renaissance Stockbrokers Uganda
  • Received the last required share price information i.e. performance of the market index
  • Brokers advised that they can share some valuations with us and advise on the Lions final valuation of Uganda Clay.
  • Brokers advised that they have a library where we can obtain Financials for Uganda Clays. We will visit it early this week.
  • Assignment is underway....detailed critiquing on draft 1 will be needed from the Lions if we are to obtain 80%

--Shumimlingo 16:17, 20 June 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:17, 21 June 2010

That's a good progress.

Hove (talk)04:18, 21 June 2010

music to my ears,good stuff!

Kay go (talk)04:19, 21 June 2010

I am happy that you are making good process on this company, as I am not making headway on this end. I guess we then go for Uganda Clays. well done

EVELYN (talk)04:20, 21 June 2010

u are on course with the assignment. we also need to raise the bar on all assignment two contributions. how about the Tiger brand discussion?

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:20, 21 June 2010

Good progress, hope we can all play our part to improve on the document once issued out.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)04:20, 21 June 2010