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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:ASnieckus
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Hi Sujata,

I saw that Jim Tittsler has helped you to create a new version of the template in question and he has adapted it to your needs. Hopefully this has helped you. I wanted to also point out to you that there are other ways to create what we call an "institutional portal". The beginning shell of a MU OER portal, based on a template that has been used to create portals for a number of institutions, is already available: MU OER. I thought you might like to see this as an option.

Let me know if you'd like more information about how to customize this version to your needs.


ASnieckus (talk)14:31, 3 April 2012

Its good..it gives utility..thanks..looking forward to convert/modify it as per my requirements.

You r accessible & considerate...thanks...warm regards

Dr Sujata Dhopte (talk)19:30, 6 April 2012