Birth of baby

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This lesson should take approximately 60 minutes and is appropriate for senior midwifery students, as well as anyone interested in childbirth. With a partner you will work your way through a scenario that focuses on the care of a woman as she moves into the second stage of labour and births her baby. This scenario is designed to support you to think about midwifery assessment and actions, decision-making and sharing information when you are working with women who are birthing their babies.


  • Computer and Internet with access to Second Life
  • Basic ability to use Second Life and access the virtual birth unit
  • Resource Pack that can be found in the meeting room on the second floor of the birth unit. -----need to check that!!!
  • Midwife's self-assessment form and clinical notes, and script for woman.
  • Extra resources to support this scenario either as links or printed handouts:

Clinical notes for midwife

Date xx/xx/xx Time 14 hours ago Phone call.
Lisa Smith rang the birth unit with history of contracting 1: 10 mins, lasting 30 secs. Had been contracting 1:15 previously. G1 P0. Term plus 2 days. In good health. Urine normal but has had slight diarrhea for 24 hours. Also feeling slightly nauseated all day. Slight finger oedema. No headaches or visual disturbances. Intact membranes. No vaginal bleeding but small amount of mucasy 'show'. Good fetal movements.

Advised to stay at home and await events. Try to get as much rest as possible; relax in warm shower/bath. Continue to eat and drink normally. To ring again if contractions become more painful and/or frequent; membranes rupture and/or fluid is any colour other than clear; have vaginal bleeding; or have any concerns about baby's movements. AN Other Midwife

Date xx/xx/xx Time 8 hours ago Lisa Smith admitted to birth unit. In good health. Normal pregnancy. Slightly elevated blood pressure at the end of pregnacy but settled. No headaches or visual disturbances. Passing urine normally. No show. Good fetal movements. Contracting every five minutes, lasting 20-30 seconds, in-coordinate, mild on palpation.

T. 36.4 degrees C P.78/min R. 16/min BP 120/70 Urine - Protein nil, Glucose nil, Ketones nil, Blood nil.

Abdominal palpation: fundus =dates, longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation, back on the left, posterior, head at brim, 3/5th palpable. Fetal heart 135, no deceleration heard during contraction.

VE to assess progress: Cervix posterior, partially effaced, soft, thick, poorly applied, 2 cm dilated. Head presents, 2cm above ischial spines, position not defined. No caput, moulding or cord felt. Membranes intact. Fetal heart 145, no deceleration heard during contraction.

Impression: Labour is progressing normally and both Lisa and baby are well. Plan: To await events. Advised Lisa to rest as much as possible and also moblise when she feels like it. Showed her around the birthing unit and invited her to help herself to food and drink. AN Other Midwife

Date: xx/xx/xx Time: 5 hours ago Lisa is starting to get uncomfortable. She is contracting 1:3 minutes, lasting 30-40 seconds, moderate to palpate.
T. 36.6 degrees C P.82/min R. 18/min BP 115/75 Urine - Protein nil, Glucose nil, Ketones +, Blood trace.

Abdominal palpation: fundus =dates, longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation, back on the left, lateral, head engaged, 2/5th palpable. Fetal heart 145, no decelerations heard during contractions.

VE to assess progress: Cervix slightly posterior, effaced, soft, thinning, loosely applied, 5 cm dilated. Vertex presents, 1cm above ischial spines, left occipito transverse, flexed. No caput, moulding or cord felt. Membranes intact. Fetal heart 140, no decelerations heard during contractions. Mucasy, blood stained show

Impression: Lisa is in established labour and coping very well at this stage. Plan: to continue ongoing monitoring and support Lisa to keep mobile, have a warm shower or get in to the birthing pool.
AN Other Midwife

Midwife's self-assessment form

Use this self-assessment form to assess your performance, reflect on what you did well and what you can improve in the future.

Script for woman

Here is the information about the last few hours for you to pass onto the midwife, along with your background story as and when it is appropriate or relevant. Feel free to add lib a little but please keep everything ‘normal’.

The idea of this scenario is for the midwife to support you as you go into the second stage of labour and birth your baby. The midwife should assess your condition, advise youa about how to birth your baby and support you. Wait until the midwife asks you questions – don’t give out all the information at once. Feel free to ask questions which you think will help to test the midwife's knowledge of normal childbirth.

  • Contractions
You are approaching the second stage of labour. You are getting contractions every 2-3 minutes with severe pain in front of your stomach, low down. You don't know how long they are lasting because you are in too much pain to watch the clock. You do know that you are not getting much rest in between contractions. You need the midwife to softly talk to you and reassure you. You are also getting a lot of pressure in your bottom. You are starting to feel you want to push at the height of your contractions - you feel as if you want to go to the toilet and have a 'poo'. You are very worried you'll accidentally wet or soil yourself.
  • Membranes
You are pretty sure your membranes have broken. You are very wet and have soaked through several sanitary pads and draining clear fluid - you don't think it is urine. At first, you felt as if the pressure inside you was lifted but now the contractions seem much stronger and painful.
  • How you are feeling
You are very tired and in a lot of pain but it feels more comfortable when you are in an upright position. You are scared but reassured when the midwife talks to you and soothes you with back rub and encouraging you though a contraction. You feel at times that you cannot do this and want to be transferred to the hospital for an epidural. But when the midwife reassures you, you feel much better and remember that you want to birth the baby in the birth unit without any medication. You know it is much better for the baby if you don't have any drugs. You like to have heat on your back, preferably either in the shower or birthing pool.
  • Pushing and birthing the baby
There is no animation for 'pushing' or birthing the baby. It is your choice as to how much you role play those events.
  • Birthing the baby
After the baby is born, you are very tired but absolutely thrilled. You are keen to get the baby naked against your skin and start a breastfeed. You feel sore but otherwise exhilarated.

Also check your birth plan which is in the antenatal notes in the Resource Pack] for the decisions you have made about your labour.

Here are some questions you may wish to ask.

  • When will I have my baby?
  • What is the best position to push in?
  • What happens if the baby gets stuck when it is being born?
  • Do I have to have a cut when the baby is being born?
  • What happens if the baby can't breathe when it is born?
  • Who cuts the cord?
  • When will the cord be cut?

Learning objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the midwife in the normal childbirth process.
  • Demonstrate effective evidence based, midwifery practice guided by a sound knowledge base.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of significance of concepts of accountability, responsibility and independent practice as they relate to midwifery practice in New Zealand.

Instructions for Scenario Three - Birth of the baby

1. Read the 'Introduction for students' which will give you a general background to the virtual birthing unit project. Set up your Second Life account and create your avatar. If you are using a personal computer, download Second Life.
2. Read the orientation package which will introduce you to Second Life and the skills you will need in this scenario.
3. Make your way with your partner to the back room of the birth unit, on the second floor.
4. Open the Resource Box - here are the instructions on how to open the Resource Box.
8. The scenario ends when the woman is happy she has all the information she needs and has had all her questions answered and the midwife is satisfied with her assessment of the situation and the plan of action that she has developed.
9. Once the scenario ends, the woman will pass her feedback form to the midwife. The midwife will also carry out a self-assessment for her personal learning.
10. The midwife will complete her documentation on a notecard and post it into the filing cabinet in the midwives' office. The documentation will be automatically sent to a midwifery lecturer (in real life) who will give you feedback on how effectively you have documented your assessment and actions. The midwife will also be able to send her documentation to the woman. The student playing the woman will also be able to give feedback about the documentation.
11. Feel free to ad lib and role play as much or as long as you like but please remember that the scenario is programed to be a 'normal' labour and birth. For example, if you decide you would like to practice how to deal with an obstetric emergency, you will be unable to do so because the scenario has not been set up to present that eventuality.
12. This scenario involves role play so do not be shy; let your imagination run so that you and your partner gain maximum learning benefit from this simulation. At the same time, have fun. If you make a mistake or miss an action or assessment, you can start all over again and keep practicing until you are happy with your performance.