Team Fun

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Convenor: Joao Schim

Brian, Joao, Kon.


The question: How to have fun as a developer, when manager / EA / tech lead have made all the technical decisions already?

What decreases "fun"?

  • working without autonomy, "in a box", like a factory worker
  • stress from managers, etc
  • micromanagement

The direction of (many?) parts of IT is to have less technical autonomy - the decisions have been made, and we are following patterns / using products. One possible way to get more autonomy is to increase our involvement in the business side of IT development.

How to introduce a new language / tech / process:

  • "encroach". start with a unit test / pilot / etc - something with low visibility and low impact
  • make a business value argument
  • in a trial, a lawyer will ask the judge "for an indulgence" if he wants to go off topic for a while, in a way that may (or may not add

) be relevant. Likewise, if we want to "indulge" in a new idea / tech / etc, we should ask.

Need to make a balance between "personal fun" with technology, and the need for support, productivity, what's best for the team, and avoiding frankenstein systems.

Team fun

  • decrease stress: team lead / managers need to do their jobs
  • people need to talk more - about technical decisions, and simple social grooming (sometimes we talk to much, but on average we talk too little)
  • group coding exercises. A team-building / learning task. Need simple requirements; do many iterations in a group to find the best solution
  • "brown bag" meetings: anyone can present about anything they are interested in (technical or not). "brown bag" because (traditionally) people bring their lunch.
  • teamwork is about people, not tech

<insert your idea / experience with making teamwork fun here>
