Teaching and Learning Online
About teaching and learning online...
[hide]Learning support and certification
Formal learning support services and certification is offered for this course by:
Informal learning support is offered by:
- Lecturer at Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
- email: leighblackallATgmailDOTcom
- skype: Leigh_Blackall
Facilitating Online
This course has been developed by staff in the Educational Development Centre of Otago Polytechnic and is designed to help both formal and informal learners access and interpret models, research, and develop professional expertise in the facilitation of online communities. After completing this course people should be confident in facilitating online and/or be able to critique and offer advice to other people in the facilitation of online communities.
Networked learning
work in progress. Needs restructuring
Flexible learning
Needs thought for better content
Social media
In development
A stub focused (so far) on John Caldwell Holt's writings.