Teacher Collaboration/People/List of Participating Teachers and Institutions by Country
From WikiEducator
Please enter the following information to be included on the List of Participating Teachers and Institutions on the Main Page
- Country of Residence:
- First name:
- Last name:
- Gender:
- Organization:
- Title/Position:
- Email address:
- Phone number (including country code):
- Your Wiki user id:
Country of Residence: Bulgaria First name: Jonas Last name: Backelin Gender: Male Organization: eduToolkit Title/Position: MA Student Email address: swedinbalchik@gmail.com Phone number (including country code): 00359888478783 Your Wiki user id: SwedInBalchik
Country of Residence: Canada; First name: Al; Last name: Tilsley; Gender: Male; Organization: N/A; Title/Position: 3rd yr Student Teacher; Email address: AllenTilsley1@msn.com; Phone number (including country code): N/A; Your Wiki user id: TornPappyT