Talk:Warrington School/Board Of Trustees/Emergency Procedures

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«no subject»008:56, 29 October 2009
«no subject»008:51, 29 October 2009
«no subject»120:53, 16 September 2009

«no subject»

also I want to change the contents bit at the top to show Pandemic as a separate heading but can't work out how to do that either. Sorry, will print what I have and bring to next meeting


Joward (talk)08:56, 29 October 2009

«no subject»

Hi All,

I have edited the Emergency Procedures Plan to include the Pandemic Plan as part of it. However, I can't work out how to create a link directly to the Pandemic Plan. Also, some of the formatting has come out wrong. I've dated it and aligned it to NAG 2.


Joward (talk)08:51, 29 October 2009

«no subject»

Policy looks straightforward. Do we need to add in how often we are supposed to do drills etc for earthquake and fire or is that part of another policy?

Joward (talk)17:07, 16 September 2009

Yes good idea to have some details - also is it really a policy - seems to be more just procedures

Rekrapenator (talk)20:53, 16 September 2009