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About links to projects113:33, 14 February 2009

About links to projects

I like this initiative. I've been looking for colleagues since I learned to make searchs.
The proposal to link to projects implies two different layouts:

1. Create a list like this:

  • Specialty
    • Project 1 Link
    • Project 2 Link
    • Project 2 Link

2. Create a table like this (maybe sortable):

Specialty Projects
Specialty 1 Project 1
Project 2
Specialty 2 Project 1
Project 2
Specialty 3 Project 1
Project 2

Suggestions? Gladys Gahona

Chela5808 (talk)03:33, 14 February 2009

Great idea; I also like the text box! I was surprised to see how many biologists we have here. I think the structure you suggest looks great.

dmccabe 00:33, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Dmccabe (talk)13:33, 14 February 2009