Talk:Otago Polytechnic/Measuring our open education/Research plan

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Big claims015:11, 27 August 2009
Parts of the project015:11, 27 August 2009

Big claims


Hi Leigh I have changed these sentences so they now read less "arrogantly". You were making pretty big claims and I wonder don't other organisations such as MIT, Open poly in the UK and Phoenix have models of open ed already?

It is hoped that this effort to document, interrogate and critique the Otago Polytechnic experience, free from hype and bias [don't think you need this], will shed light on a case of open educational development in a New Zealand tertiary education and training institution. This will give the national and international movement something further to use as a benchmark, so open education can move forward as effectively as possible.

Bronwynh (talk)12:57, 29 June 2009

Parts of the project


Hi leigh This is great idea for a research evaluation and it is pretty comprehensive and ambitious. As you know I am pretty picky and although you might think my suggestions are over the top, I seem to have got this sort of thing right in the past cos people want to hand over money. You might like to have a look at the template preparing an evaluation plan at:

My suggestions I think if you identify the purpose of the research evaluation project first, then the research design and that way you will be able to give a clearer indication of what you are trying to do.

The second and third parts of the research look like they are two of the outcomes of the project - are they? I am not sure how you can prepare a paper for vancouver in time if the intentions is to present results from the project at the conference but maybe you will be presenting research in progress and getting feedback on it? This needs to be made clearer I think. --bron 01:42, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

My recommendation would be to use this research evaluation plan template as your proposal. Perhaps you should ask for more time to get it ready properly. At the moment the purpose of the research is not clear and you have jumped straight to the sampling methids without giving a clear indication of the research design and the overarching research questions. This is why I think the panel is unsure and asking for more information.

So in my opinion you need to add: 1.the purpose of the research project - one or two sentences; 2. research questions; 3. research design - is it a mixed methods model where you will be gathering descriptive and qualitative data.

  • include the instrumentation - survey, cost-benefit analysis (how this will be done) etc.; how you will analyse the survey and other data; what will you be trying to find out in the survey, and is this the best way or will you also run focus groups/interviews depending on what information the survey reveals?

4. research objectives and research outcomes - e.g. the model; 5. decisions to be made; 6. logistics and budget, timeline - not sure if you have done this already - but I am thinking 10 000 is pretty low for what you are trying to do if it includes a conference presentation at vancouver.

Bronwynh (talk)14:42, 26 June 2009