Talk:OERu/Strategic plan 2014 - 2017/Develop procedures for streamlining nomination of OERu courses

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Possible Procedures for streamlining nomination of OERu courses201:03, 16 May 2014

Possible Procedures for streamlining nomination of OERu courses

1. A country expert, or a partner institute nominee can authenticate a course. 2. The course may be developed to include a collaborative or sequential pedagogy with appropriate intervention in content by a central instructional design team to bring consistency and introduce opportunities for progressive and summative assessment of the learner

Ravi limaye (talk)22:54, 13 May 2014

Hi Ravi,

Wow you are working ahead of the phases for commentary on different sections of the strategic plan. At this stage we're reviewing the main strategic goals.

In the OERu model, courses which are nominated must be mapped to formal credit towards a credential at the institution nominating the course. In this way we ensure that OERu learners can receive formal academic credit.

Designing for the OERu delivery model is important and we have a working group who will be focusing on minimum quality standards for the OERu.

Mackiwg (talk)14:35, 14 May 2014

Hi, 1. The Content developers need to be motivated to create courses on OERu and say for example a faculty with sizable student access should start with creating part of the course. For nomination of the course the course concept can be shared with experts in database with OERu which can give a "go ahead " and the course can be launched.

2. I presume every partner institute would also contribute to two or more courses which by default would be the best ones offered by the partner institute.

3. Further OERu should come out with a credit scheme for " good content experts" who may or may not from a institute and the OERu expert team finds content appropriate in terms of knowledge , pedagogy and assessment strategy.

Ravi limaye (talk)01:03, 16 May 2014