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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Finland flag102:25, 9 July 2010
Participants201:26, 1 July 2010

Finland flag

Does the Finland flag appear for everyone? It's not appearing for me.--Benjamin Stewart 23:41, 4 July 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)12:41, 5 July 2010

Hi Ben,

Finland displays for me today, but it didn't awhile back--maybe that was the day you posted this. Now, the Vietnam flag is not displaying. No idea why this happens.


ASnieckus (talk)02:25, 9 July 2010



did I missed something? I thought that registering for the course is possible by ading the personal information to this page. So I did this, but the entry was removed. Michael

Sonic (talk)06:21, 26 June 2010

Hi Michael,

I am so very glad that you pointed this out. You didn't miss anything, somehow I deleted your registration information (along with a bunch of others). I caught the mistake because I saw your post in this discussion forum and wondered as you did, what went wrong. You are back on the list at #164, a little farther down because I didn't think it was worth renumbering.

Thanks again for pointing out the missing entry! And glad you are interested to learn more about WikiEducator and wiki editing (I noticed you already know how to add a row to the table).

Sorry for the mistake.


ASnieckus (talk)14:43, 29 June 2010

Great. Thank you for the information. Michael

Sonic (talk)01:26, 1 July 2010