Talk:Facilitating online communities/course mini conference/multimembership

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Thinking through018:32, 2 October 2008

Thinking through

I might try making a datagraph or MindMap (something like the TouchGraph shown here: ( of our (the 4 of us) memberships and our tasks that will illustrate the way we are collaborating.

The survey (in SurveyMonkey)was something I talked with Sylvia about after. We don’t have to do it. It would be fast, easy, optional, inconspicuous at the end of the session announcements before introducing the VoiceThread. I think it might collect interesting pre-session data and may even be fun to play w/ SNA map, but I do not want it to get in the way of collecting VoiceThread stories.

10/1: I am not invested in the survey too much if Bron thinks it should go. It also is probably two questions too long. Help edit!

Suewolff (talk)15:54, 29 September 2008