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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How to shape the wikieducator modulr for FOSS-DU106:30, 12 March 2010
Available Resources006:37, 11 March 2010

How to shape the wikieducator modulr for FOSS-DU

Before we start editing the FOSS_DU Learning Module let us clarify a few points. Here are my thoughts:

1. I do not think we should just substitute the MS-Module with FOSS alternatives. The FOSS module should follow its own logic and so the modules have to be rearranged.

2. We should begin with FOSS applications which are already in use: viz. Firefox, VLC Media player. This will help us introduce the idea that FOSS can do all necessary work and could even be better than MS>

3. We should then move on to OpenOffice Writer, Calc and Impress.

4. Followed by GIMP, and F-Spot (especially the facility to export photos to online albums like Facebook) also Picassa.

5. Then we move on to aspects like using the Live CD, Desktop Environment etc.

6. Another question that we need to address at the on set is whether we shall base our learning module on the basis of a particular distribution? I do not think a platform agnostic approach will be particularly attractive. I think we should begin with Ubuntu 9.10.

Arjunghosh (talk)19:39, 9 March 2010

I agree with Arjun. Yet to convince the others we need to show this correspondence.

We could then plan it as an FOSS initiative.

We also have to think of econtent for online courses.

Savithri Singh 17:30, 11 March 2010 (UTC)

Savi.odl (talk)06:30, 12 March 2010

Available Resources

There are many resource which are available. we must take advantage of those also.

Narendra Sisodiya (talk)06:37, 11 March 2010