Talk:Economics Textbooks Free and Online

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Wonderful Resource202:30, 3 July 2009

Wonderful Resource


This is a wonderful resource -- I'm happy to see so many entries. Thanks for your efforts. I like the idea of using this discussion space to document individual opinions about the different text books, which leaves the listing concise and thereby easier to navigate. My training is in statistics, not economics, so I can't contribute to the discussion. I should use your format and make a listing for statistics. I'll put it on my to do list.

Cheers, Alison

ASnieckus (talk)06:53, 1 July 2009

Thank you Alison. I have not really "advertised" it yet - still working on it. I hope that when I do advertise I get some interest... anyway, thanks for you support and good look with the Stats page - maybe we can link to each others' pages when you are up and running (under books for other courses)??

Brianevans (talk)07:15, 1 July 2009

A good way to link all of the resources related to free online textbooks is a category. I did a quick search in the category namespace, using the options at the bottom of a regular seach page. It took me a few tries before I found something relevant: "open," "textbook," "free," aha, Category:Textbooks.

There's not much included. There may well be many other pages that could be added. I wonder if it'd be better to have a more specific category: Free online textbooks.

ASnieckus (talk)02:30, 3 July 2009