Talk:DEHub/Research Themes/PD

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Professional Development & Faculty Support Open forum

Welcome to the Open forum for the Professional Development & Faculty Support research theme. We encourage you to add you own ideas about what might be of major interest for this theme. The guiding question for this research area ie:

  • What professional learning is needed to support learners, educators, researchers (LER) and institutional managers with the adoption of technologically mediated teaching and learning? What strategies and professional development models are required to provide professional learning opportunities?
This is our focus for the coming year. What is your focus for this research area?

Alan Wylie 03:38, 11 November 2009 (UTC)


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Moving the Forum012:57, 17 March 2010
Models of growth - Towards fundamental change in learning environments.016:35, 19 February 2010

Moving the Forum

This current discussion has been mover to the DE Hub Blog. Please add you contribution to the Blog.[edit]

Cheers, Alan.

Alan Wylie (talk)12:55, 17 March 2010

Models of growth - Towards fundamental change in learning environments.

The topic for discussion this first quarter of 2010 is David. Cavallo's paper on organisational growth. While this paper could easily fit within the Theories and Models and Curriculum Design questions of our research profile it also is critically relevant to the way in which professional development should/could and most often is not practiced or even thought of within the higher education sector. We invite you the examine the Cavallo article and provide you thoughts, suggestions, criticisms and recommendations to the Open Forum. Many thanks to David Jones for his recommendation of this paper. Cheers, Alan Wylie.

Alan Wylie (talk)16:34, 19 February 2010