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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Age level?004:47, 6 January 2010
How to start new project122:57, 12 January 2009
How to start new project019:50, 12 January 2009

Age level?

What age level would you expect these materials to be used with? Thanks

Jkelly952 (talk)04:47, 6 January 2010

How to start new project

Dear all

I am a beginner on Wikieducator. Can any one help me with 'How to start a new project on any theme of your choice'?


sanjeeta user: sanjeeta

Sanjeeta (talk)19:57, 12 January 2009

Hi Sanjeeta, Welcome to WE. I recently started a project named Math Glossary. I am inviting you to join the project so you can experiment on an already started project. I am a math, chemistry and physics teacher. I bet you have great ideas.

Chela5808 (talk)22:57, 12 January 2009

How to start new project

Dear all

I am a beginner on Wikieducator. Can any one help me with 'How to start a new project on any theme of your choice'?


sanjeeta user: sanjeeta

Sanjeeta (talk)19:50, 12 January 2009