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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Minor editing003:40, 16 September 2008
Innovations in Teaching Advertisement023:44, 12 September 2008

Minor editing

Dear Anamika,

I was drawn to ur SLM as it is of immense relevance. You have developed it in an interesting and lucid manner. My Compliments!

I did some minor editing for the sake of presentation , is it ok ?

While I was goin' thru ur slm , I felt that the section on Classification could be dealt in two parts i.e give an SAQ in - between rather than at the end of it. I don't know , but it might make assimilation of the matter easier ...u're the best judge in this regard.

Do read my slm on English Rhythm ,I'll b looking forward to ur suggestions.

Good Luck!

with regards,Neetu

Nmishra (talk)03:40, 16 September 2008

Innovations in Teaching Advertisement

Anamika Ray, You have done very well in your SLM. I have a suggestion to make. You can have innovations in teaching/preparing SLM on Advertisement by adding some pictures, video clips etc. You can give links to websites also. has very good resource of their advertisement. YouTube also has good collection of TV ads. You can add examples of ads from these e-rourses. Thanks Dilip Barad

Dilipbarad (talk)23:44, 12 September 2008