Sustainable Tourism/Activities/Funnel Activity

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Centre For Sustainable Practice.

Use this model to identify obvious opportunities and risks for your business / organisation / community recognising current sustainability challenges. For each issue, consider how things were in the past, what things are like now, and what might be possible for the future. Consider aspects relating to both the natural environment and people.


Complete the three activities below and then consolidate them into a single page image of a funnel.. Post your responses on your blog. (This is an activity for formal assessment).

Activity #1

Thinking about a full range of relevant financial, social, environmental, cultural and political issues; note down your thoughts about past, present and / or foreseeable trends relevant to your area of interest or business/organisation relating to:

  • The supply of essential resources that your business / community depends upon:
  • Environmental impacts and the health of ecosystems:
  • Social needs, including health and safety of people and communities:

These may be drawn using the funnel model, with the size of the writing representing the influence of the trend

Activity #2

Think about a full range of possible scenarios for your business / community if:

  • Prices for particular resources rise sharply:
  • Peoples’ concerns about environmental issues relevant to your industry reach a critical point without warning:
  • Peoples’ demand changes quickly in favour of products and services that can be delivered sustainably: