Student-Centred Teaching and Learning

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This workshop will provide a general orientation to principles and concepts in student-centred teaching and learning.

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Upon completion of this workshop, participants will:
  • understand the rationale for the change of paradigm in college teaching in the 21st century
  • examine their own philosophy of education as it relates to the new paradigm, and
  • identify gaps in the knowledge and skills which they need to move from teacher-centred to learner-centred teaching and learning.


The Caribbean has witnessed an explosion in tertiary education participation over the last five years, fuelled by a CARICOM Ministers of Education mandate to increase participation in tertiary education to 15% of the 18-25 cohort by 2005, and more recently, by ambitious expansion targets set by Caribbean governments which have committed to expanding access to and improving the quality and relevance of higher education provision in the region, having recognised the critical link between higher education and social and economic development.

Today's students

For most higher education faculty, this enrolment expansion has brought with it a profoundly different student profile than that which characterized college and university life in the 1960s and 1970s when they themselves were students.

/Philosophy of Education

/Learning Styles