Sample Lesson for Year 7

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Simple Electronics for Solomon Islands Year 7

Electric Circuit

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At the end of this topic you should be able to:

  1. make an electric circuit,
  2. describe an electric circuit,
  3. identify and explain what makes up an electric circuit.

Electricity moves or flows from one place to another through wires and other objects. For electricity to flow, it needs a continuous path. We call this path an electric circuit. This means that there should be no break or gap in the path or circuit. To use this electricity, we use objects, such as light bulb, so that the electrical energy can be changed into heat, sound or light energy.
An electric circuit needs a power supply. This can be a battery, or electricity from a generator. A circuit also needs wires for electricity to flow through.

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Find out about an electric circuit
You will need the following things to do this activity. One battery, 2 wires and one light bulb.

  1. Work in pairs and read the information on electric circuit above.
  2. Study the figure on the right. It is a torch that has been opened to show what is inside. You have been given the some of the things in the torch, can you connect the parts together to make the bulb on.
  3. Is the bulb come on when all the parts are connected? Yes/No.
  4. If No, can you explain why the bulb doesn't turn on.
  5. List the different things that you have connected in your electric circuit, can you explain the function of each part in the circuit that you have connected.

The electricity used in the light bulb flows along the wires. It is supplied by the battery. This is called an electric current.

Electric circuits are made up of a number of different parts that we call components. The components include batteries, torch bulbs and wires. The circuit that you have connected in the activity above shows that the components must be connected to one another for electric current to flow through.

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Self Assessment

Answer the following questions in your exercise.

  1. Are the components connected properly in your circuit?
  2. In groups of three, discuss why the torch bulb doesn't come on for some groups.
  3. In your own words, can you explain what is an electric circuit?
  4. Can you list three products that uses electric circuit?
  5. What do you think about products that you identified above influences the way we live?

(Comment.gif: , Curriculum Development Centre capacity building: Strand 11 - Teaching styles: A sample lesson extracted from Technology presentation at St Nicholas. -- Created by: Phillip Samani )