Recommendation 14 Local New Zealand content

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Recommendation 14. We recommend that the Government ensure that more local New Zealand content, including Maori and Pasifika content, is made available to all schools, either through the Network for Learning or by other means.

Comment: As above more good content should be made available to teachers and students.
Generalised search tools such as Google should be able to access this information. Where there remain restrictions of veiwability sufficient should be visible in Google to lead to the restricted access content.
It is technically possible to restrict access to users connected through Network for Learning IPAs. However N4L should operate only to provide this facility and not to control the content itself.
A major issue is that the government allocate some funding through existing innovation schemes to enable the development of content – particularly educational games. NZ is a leader in this area. The Life Game Project was led by a top NZ CIO – it needs support – it has plenty of talent and can deliver!

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