Qualification Framework/Lower Primary Education/Standard 1
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[hide]Qualifications Framework
Regional Language
'Click on the above link to view the curriculum for various Indian Languages'
Foreign Language (English)
- Familiarize language through spoken input in meaningful situations
- Exposure to and comprehension of spoken, and spoken-and written inputs (through mother tongue, signs, visuals, pictures, sketches, gestures, single word questions/answers).
- Help learners build a working proficiency in the language, especially with regard to listening with understanding and basic oral production (words/phrases, fragments of utterances, formulaic expressions as communicative devices).
- Recite and sing poems, songs and rhymes and enact small plays/skits
- Use drawing and painting as precursors to writing and relate these activities to oral Communication
- Become visually familiar with text (word(s)), what it means, and to notice its components - letter (s) and the sound-values they stand for.
- Associate meaning with written/printed language.
Environmental Studies
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