Proposal for action: Peer review of assessment/Peer review checklist
From WikiEducator
Checklist for Peer Review of Alignment and Assessment
Part A:
To be filled in by course/module coordinator
OERu course/module name:
Brief context of course:
(<100 words, eg course/stream to which it belongs, prior knowledge assumed etc.)
Level of course:
Please choose one:
- Foundation
- Level 100
- Level 200
- Level 300
- Postgraduate
Part B:
To be filled in by reviewers
Characteristic: |
Yes |
Somewhat |
No |
Comments and areas identified for improvement |
1 - The course/module description broadly says ‘why’ (the purpose), ‘what’ (content will be covered) and ‘how ‘(the learning will take place). |
2 - The intent expressed in the course/module description is carried through into the learning outcomes, activities, content and assessment tasks |
3 - Students are introduced to the course/module, what they need to do to meet the learning outcomes and how they will be assessed |
4 - There are 3-4 intended learning outcomes for the course/module |
5 - The learning outcomes are written as broad statements about what the student has to know and/or do, not specific lists of content |
6 - The learning activities are designed to prepare students to meet the learning outcomes and successfully complete the assessment tasks |
7 - Each learning outcome is able to be assessed through the assessment tasks |
8 - Formative assessment and feedback is part of the assessment plan |
9 - The criteria that will be used to assess each assessment task are clearly stated and criteria sheets (rubrics) are available to students |
10 - The criteria sheets (rubrics) use plain English to describe the standard of evidence that is expected in student work for each level of achievement and is written in positive language (what the student can demonstrate) |